Szent Kilián Lovagrend Honlapja

                  Saint Kilian Order of Knighthood

                                                         DECEM FACTIUM POPULUM










A Szent Kilián Lovagrend   Mint  baráti társaság  Müködik tovább.

Az  alapszabálya változatlan marad.

Közgyűlése az egyesülési jogról szóló 1989. évi II. törvény, illetőleg a Magyar Köztársaság Polgári Törvénykönyvéről szóló 1959. évi IV. törvény, továbbá a vonatkozó jogszabályok alapjána mai napon az Egyesület Alapszabályát az alábbi tartalommal fogadta el:



1. Az Egyesület neve, székhelye és jogállása


(1) A neve: Szent Kilián Lovagrend  


(2) A székhelye: .2084.Pilisszentiván Hársfa u 38/A


(3) A működési területe kiterjed a Magyar Köztársaság egész területére.


(4)  A Lovagrend  mint baráti társaság müködik.



2. A célja és  tevékenysége


(1) A céljai:


A célja és feladata, a keresztény (keresztyén) erkölcs alapján, valamint az Alapszabályban lefektetett elvek szellemében


  1. a magyar nemzeti eszmék és értékek, nemeztünk ősi örökségeinek felkutatása és védelme,

  2. a tudományok, természettudományok ápolása,

  3. az ősi magyar nemzeti és katonai hagyományok feltárása, ápolása és közkincsé tétele

  4. az elesettek és gyengék támogatása,

  5. a magyar közélet tisztaságának előmozdítása,

  6. a lovagi erények korunknak megfelelő gyakorlása és

  7. a nemzetek megbékélésének, békés együttélésének előmozdítása.


céljai megvalósítása érdekében az alábbi  tevékenységeket folytatja:


  1. támogatja a tudományos kutatásokat kiemelten a környezetbarát és alternativ energia felhasználását lehetőségeinek kutatását, valamint a történeti kutatásokat

  2. a tudomány és kultúra területén lehetőségei szerint gondoskodik arról, hogy a kutatások eredményeit a határokon belül és túl ismertesse,

  3. karitatív tevékenységet gyakorol,

  4. pártolja a hagyományőrzést, a kultúrát és művészeteket, gyakorolja és bemutatja a harcművészeteket kiváltképpen a lovagkor és a magyar ősi harcművészetek formáit,

  5. az ifjúság körében terjeszti azokat az ismereteket, amelyek hazafias, keresztény (keresztyén) szemléletű életre és az Ősök tiszteletére indítják az ifjakat.


(3) Működésének, szolgáltatásainak és beszámolóinak nyilvánosságát a honlapján történő közzététel útján biztosítja.


(4)  vállalkozási tevékenységet nem folytat.  


((7)  Működése nyilvános, szolgáltatásait bárki megkötés nélkül igénybe veheti.









Fundamental rules of the Order




The statutory meeting of the „St. Kilián Order of Knighthood Association in the Public Interest” – based on the law for the right of combination and assembly (1989. II.), the Civil Code of the Republic of Hungary (1959. IV.) and on the related rules of law – has accepted the Fundamental Rule of the Association as follows:


  1. Name, residence and legal status of the Association


(1)   Name of the Association: St. Kilián Order of Knighthood Association in the Public Interest

(2)   Residence of the Association: H-2083 Solymár, Kálvária utca 16., Hungary

(3)   The Association operates all over the area of the Republic of Hungary.

(4)   The Association is a legal entity.



  1. Goals of the Association and its activity for the public interest


(1)   Goals of the Association:


Based on the Christian morals and the principles laid down in the Fundamental rules, the goals of the Association are the following:


a) search and protect the Hungarian national ideas, values and heritage

b) promote sciences

c) search, promote and publish the ancient Hungarian national and military traditions

d) raise Solymár – the residence of the Association - to its worthy position

e) support the weak and fallen

f) promote the purity of the Hungarian public life

g) exercise the knightly virtues in compliance with our days

h) promote the reconciliation and peaceful coexistence of nations


(2)   From the activities for public use listed in the „Law for the organizations in the public interest 1997. CLVI. 26.§ c.)” the Association will exercise the following activities in order to accomplish its goals set out in point (1) of this chapter:


a)     supports research: especially the environment-friendly and alternative energy research and historical research

b)     as far as possible takes care of publishing the results of research within and beyond the borders of Hungary

c)      exercises charity

d)     supports the custody of traditions, arts and culture; exercises and presents the arts of fighting, especially the one of the ancient Hungarians and the one of the age of chivalry

e)     spreads among the youth the knowledge that teaches them to patriotic, Christian life and the respect of ancestors

(3)   The Associaton provides publicity to its operation, services and reports by releasing them on its web page.


(4)   The Association, as an organization in the public interest, does not exclude that other non-members also participate from its useful services.


(5)   The Association, as an organization in the public interest, practices enterpreneurial functions only in order to realize and not endanger its useful goals. No results of such activities will be distributed; they will be used according to the establishing document.


(6)   The Association does not do any direct political activities, its organization is fully independent from parties and it does not support parties financially. Party political activity and putting up a candidate for parlamentary or local government elections are considered as direct pilitical activities.


(7)   The operation of the Association, as an organization in the public interest, is public, and its services are accessible for anyone without restrictions.



  1. Members of the Association


(1)   Member of the Association can be the natural person or organization that accepts the goals set out in this Fundemantal Rule and whose application is approved by the Presidency.


(2)   It is the competence of the Presidency to decide about the candidate’s application. The legal relation is established by the approval of the application.


(3)   The Presidency of the Association has to have a register of the members.


(4)   The Presidency – based on a simple majority decision – may request a natural person that deserves it, to be a honorary member of the Association. The honorary membership is established by the signature of the requested candidate. The honorary membership of the Association does not involve membership rights and obligations except that the honorary member is authorized to participate on the General Assembly, express his opinion and make his proposal about the issue in question. He is also required to comply with the Fundamental rule and act in line with the goals of the Association.


(5)   Hereinafter, in this Fundamental rule wherever „member” is mentioned, it means only the ordinary members. The different directions related to the honorary members always exactly include the „honorary member” expression.


(6)   Supporting member can be the natural person who financially supports the Association as well as the legal entity or the company without a legal entity that takes the responsibility of financially supporting the Association based on a cooperative agreement. The Presidency decides about the supporting membership with simple majority decision. The supporting membership is established by the signature of the candidate. The supporting membership of the Association does not involve membership rights and obligations except that the supporting member is also authorized to participate on the General Assembly, express his opinion and make his proposal about the issue in question. He is also required to comply with the Fundamental rule and act in line with the goals of the Association.  Hereinafter, in this Fundamental rule wherever „member” is mentioned, it means only the ordinary members. The different directions related to the supporting members always exactly include the „supporting member” expression.


(7)   The membership of the Association ceases to exist:


-          With the death of the natural person or when the legal entity ceases to exist without a legal successor

-          With the written announcement of resignation

-          With the exclusion of the member

-          When the Association ceases to exist.


(8)   The intension of resignation has to be reported to the Presidency. The resignation is effective immediately when it is reported to the Presidency


(9)   The General Assembly may exclude a member that repeatedly or seriously breaks the obligations arising from his membership – especially if he misses to pay the membership fee that is due for more than 3 months although received a written notice; or, his behaviour is inconsistent with the goals, mentality or the Fundamental rule of the Association. The exclusion needs the classified majority decision of the General Assembly, having at least ¾ of the votes.


(10)                      The General Assembly may withdraw the honorary membership if the honorary member’s behaviour is inconsistent with the goals, mentality or the Fundamental rule of the Association. The exclusion needs the classified majority decision of the General Assembly, having at least ¾ of the votes.


(11)                      The decisions described above in (9) and (10) can be made only after the member or honorary member that is affected by the decision was given the opportunity to submit his defence and expound the mitigating or extenuating circumstances.



  1. Rights and obligations of the members


(1)   The member of the Association has the right:


-          to participate on the programs of the Association, take the initiative to discuss certain questions

-          to participate on the General Assembly (the natural person personally, the non-natural person by its representative) with an equal right to vote, speak, express his opinion, propose decisions and vote

-          the natural persons can elect and can be elected, the non-natural members can elect the executives of the Association by their legal representatives


(2)   The member of the Association is obliged to:


-          obey the Fundamental rule and internal rules as well as the decisions made by the Association, have respect for the goals, mentality and scale of values of the Association

-          act as it is required by the mandatory decisions of the General Assembly of the Association

-          pay the membership fee – that is decided yearly by the General Assembly – in time, until the 21st of February of the given year as the latest


(3)   The non-natural member can exercise his rights and fulfill his obligations by his legal representative. The natural member can exercise his rights only personally. There is no room for authorized representation.


(4)   Every member of the Association has equal rights and obligations- unless it is set out differently in this Fundamental rule.



  1. Organization of the Association. Rules of incongruity


(1)   The main organ of the Association is the General Assembly (see Chapter 6) which is the entirity of the members. The management and representation as well as the day to day operation of the Association is controlled and carried out by the Presidency (see Capter 7), i.e. the official representative of the Association. The executives of the Association are: the members of the Presidency, the President (see Chapter 8) and the chairman and members of the Auditing Committee.


(2)   The member of the official organ of the Association and  the representative of the Association can be a Hungarian citizen who is not under the power of injunction of exercising public affairs.


(3)   The following person is excluded from the decision making procedure of the Presidency: who or whose close relative or partner in life (hereinafter together: relative) is freed from obligations or responsibilities by the given decision, or has a share in any other benefit, or otherwise interested in the legal transaction to be made. In this regard the following are not considered as benefits: non-financial services that is available for anyone without restrictions according to the goals of the Association; intentional allowance given to a member of the Association based on his membership, according to the establishing document.


(4)   For two years after an organization in the public interest ceases to exist, the person who was an executive of such an organization – at least for a year, during the last two years before its cessation – that did not pay its public dues according to the tax legislation, cannot be the executive of other organization in the public interest.


(5)   The executive or the candidate is obliged to let the Association know in advance if he is an executive within another organization in the public interest.



  1. The General Assembly (hereinafter Feudal Assembly)


(1)   The main organ of the Association is the Feudal Assembly that is held at least once a year. The President is entitled to call the Feudal Assembly on other occassions, too, based on the simple majority decision of the Presidency if at least 1/3 of the members ask for it.


(2)   The authority of the Feudal Assembly includes:


a)     Create and modify the Fundamental rule.

b)     Define the yearly budget.

c)      Approve the President’s yearly reports

d)     Announce the association of the Association with another association. Announce the cessation of the Association.

e)     Exclusion of membership and withdrawal of honorary membership.

f)        Elect the Presidency and the President.

g)     Recall the Presidency and the President.

h)      Elect and recall the members of the Auditing Committee.


(3)   The Feudal Assembly is called together by the President by the written notification to all the registered members. The invitation has to be sent to the members at least 8 calendar days prior to the planned date. The invitation has to include the items on the agenda as well as the exact time and location of the repeated Feudal Assembly in case the original one is inquorate. The Feudal Assembly is public.


(4)   The Feudal Assembly is quorate if there is 50% + 1 person is present of those having a right to vote. The repeated Feudal Assembly is quorate regardless of the number of members present if the members’ attention is definitely called to the legal consequence of the absence.


(5)   The Feudal Assembly makes its decisions by the simple majority decision of the members present having a right to vote. Exception: the a), e) and g) points above, where the classified majority (at least ¾) of such votes is necessary. The member that is the subject of an exclusion procedure, cannot vote in that procedure.


(6)   The Feudal Assembly approves the President’s yearly reports with the classified majority decision of the members present.


(7)   The Feudal Assembly makes its decisions by open vote, except for the personal decisions e), f) and g) that has to be made by secret vote.


(8)   In case of a tied vote: if the vote is open, the vote of the chairman of the Feudal Assembly decides; in case of a secret vote the proposal is rejected.


(9)   The decisions of the Feudal Assembly have to be communicated to the affected parties, in a certified way, via mail or fax. The President has to put the decisions of the Feudal Assembly into the Book of Decisions. The Book of Decisions should describe the decisions so that their content, place, date and the number (and the name, if applicable) of supporters and opposers can be identified.


10) The following person is excluded from the decision making procedure of the Feudal Assembly: who or whose close relative (see Ptk. 685.§ b)) or partner in life (hereinafter together: relative) is freed from obligations or responsibilities by the given decision, or has a share in any other benefit, or otherwise interested in the legal transaction to be made. In this regard the following are not considered as benefits: non-financial services that is available for anyone without restrictions according to the goals of the Association; intentional allowance given to a member of the Association based on his membership, according to the establishing document.



  1. The Chair (hereinafter Magistracy)


(1)   The leading organ of the Association is the Magistracy that consists of 7 (seven) officials. They are elected by the simple majority decision of the Feudal Assembly for 5 years.


Only such active member can be the member of the Magistracy who is a Hungarian citizen and is not under the power of injunction of exercising public affairs.


(2)   The meetings of the Magistracy are held according to necessity, but at least every six months. The Magistracy is quorate if there are more than the half of the members of the Magistracy present. The meetings are public.


(3)   The Magistracy makes its decisions by open vote and simple majority decision. The decisions have to be communicated to the affected parties in a certified way.


(4)   The meeting of the Magistracy is called together by the President via the written notification to all the members of the Magistracy. The invitation has to be sent to the members at least 8 calendar days prior to the planned date and it has to include the items on the agenda. Otherwise the agenda is decided by the Magistracy itself.




(5)   The authority of the Magistracy includes:


a)     define the yearly membership fee (except for the year of formation)

b)     make decisions that are obligatory on the members of the Association

c)      approve the agenda

d)     approve the ethical rules

e)     approve new memberships

f)        instruct the President to call together the Feudal Assembly

g)     provide examination for those who are interested into the documents regarding the operation of the Association, the yearly report of the President and the decisions made by the Feudal Assembly

h)      prepare the draft of the non-profit report and present it to the Feudal Assembly for approval

i)        decide in all questions that are not under the exclusive authority of the Feudal Assembly


(6)   The membership of Magistracy stops either when the member is called back by the Feudal Assembly or when the member dies or resigns. In these cases the Feudal Assemly has to elect  a new member of the Magistracy. The assignment of the newly elected Magistracy member expires together with the mandate of the other membres of the Magistracy.


(7)   The President has to put the decisions of the Magistracy into the Book of Decisions. The Book of Decisions should describe the decisions so that their content, place, date and the number (and the name, if applicable) of supporters and opposers can be identified.


(8)   For two years after an organization in the public interest ceases to exist, the person who was an executive of such an organization – at least for a year, during the last two years before its cessation – that did not pay its public dues according to the tax legislation, cannot be the executive of the Association. The executive or the candidate is obliged to let the Association and other affected organizations in the public interest know in advance if he is an executive within another organization in the public interest.



  1. The President and the Deputy President


I.The President (hereinafter the „Grand Master”)


(1)   The Grand Master is elected by the Feudal Assembly by secret vote and simple majority decision for 10 years. He is the independent representative of the Association.


(2)   The authority and obligations of the Grand Master:


-          develop and manage the administrative organization of the Association

-          exercise the emloyer’s rights over the employees of the Association

-          carry out the decisions of the Feudal Assembly and the Magistracy

-          prepare and conduct the meetings of the Magistracy

-          represent the Association towards third parties, authorities and the court

-          keep a record of the decisions of the Feudal Assembly and the Magistracy so that that their content, place, date, number and name of supporters and opposers can be identified

-          prepare the draft of the yearly report and present it to the Feudal Assembly for approval

-          communicate the decisions of the Feudal Assembly and the Magistracy to the affected paries according to the Fundamental rule

-          release the decisions of the Feudal Assembly and the Magistracy as well as the reports of the Association on its web page – unless it would hurt the interest of the Association or others



II.The Deputy President (hereinafter the „Governor”)


The Governor is the official selected by the Grand Master among the members of the Magistracy.


The meetings of the Magistracy are called together by the Grand Master, or, in his absence, the Governor according to necessity, but at least every six months. In the absence of the Grand Master, it is the responsibility of the Governor to conduct the meetings of the Magistracy and exercise the rights of the Grand Master.


The Grand Master and the Governor are members of the Magistracy.


  1. The Auditing Committee


1.)   The Auditing Committee, as a controlling authority, has to control the operation and the activities in the public interest of the Association, according to the Fundamental rule. The Auditing Committee reports to the Feudal Assembly.


2.)   The Auditing Committee may request reports from the officials and information from the employees of the organization and also has the right to investigate the books and documents of the organization.


3.)   The 3 members of the the Auditing Committee are elected by the Feudal Assembly.


4.)   The chairman of the Auditing Committee has to be invited to the meetings of the elected bodies of the Association with the right of consultation.


5.)   The Auditing Committee meets according to necessity but at least once a year. The meeting is called together by the chairman of the Auditing Committee via written invitation 8 days prior the meeting. The invitation has to include the agenda.


The meetings are public unless it would hurt the interest of the Association or others.


Based on the above paragraph it is the responsibility of the chairman of the Auditing Committee to decide about a closed meeting.


The Auditing Committee makes its decisions by simple majority decisions. In case of tied votes, the chairman’s vote decides. The work schedule is set up by the Committee itself.


The decisions of the Auditing Committee are communicated to the affected parties by the chairman in written form.


The decisions have to be put into the Book of Decisions controlled by the Grand Master. With regard to the Book of Decisions, its content and the publicity of the decisions, the rules in Chapter 8, point 2.) of this undamental rule apply.


6.)   The Auditing Committee reports in written form to the Feudal Assembly regarding its work and decisions.


7.)   The Auditing Committee must inform the responsible leading organ and initiate its convening, if:


a)     such an infringement of the law or other event (neglect) occurred that seriously hurts the interest of the Association and the responsible leading organ needs to decide how to eliminate the case


b)     a fact shows the responsibility of a leading official.


8.)   The responsible leading organ has to be convened within 30 days following the initiation. If this deadline is missed, the Auditing Committee itself is entitled to convene it.


9.)   If the responsible leading organ fails to take the necessary measures in order to provide the lawful operation, the Auditing Committee must inform the legal supervisor organ.


10.)                       It is not possible to be the chairman, member or auditor of the Auditing Committee for the following


-          who is the chairman or a member of the leading organ

-          who has a contractual relationship with the organization in the public interest, other than his assignment – unless otherwise described in the law

-          who receives intentional allowance from the organization in the public interest – except for the non-financial services that is available for anyone without restrictions according to the goals of the Association; intentional allowance given to a member of the Association based on his membership, according to the establishing document.



  1. The operation and management of the Association


(1)   The Association, as a social organization, can start its activities as soon as the resolution of its registration becomes effective.


(2)   The Association manages itself from the membership fees, supporting donations and other possible income.


(3)   The membership fee and its paying method is decided by the Magistracy. The payments are registered by the Magistracy in connection with the membership registration. The members are not responsible for the debts of the Association beyond the membership fees.


(4)   The Association is managed independently, and responsible for its debts with its own possessions.


(5)   The results achived during the operationm of the Association are not distributed; they will be used according to the establishing document.


(6)   The Association has been founded primarily for non-financial goals, therefore it can be involved in such activities only secindarily and only in order to achieve its goals.


(7)   The legal supervising organ of the Association is the competent prosecution.


(8)   It is the Grand Master of the Association who provides access to the documents of the Association, on working days, in an agreed time, on the residence of the Association and with control provided. The Association publishes information about its operation and management via the local media as well.



  1. Representation of the Association


(1)   The Grand Master is the independent representative of the Association except for point (2) below.


(2)   The bank account of the Association is managed jointly by the Grand Master and a member of the Magistracy.





  1. Ceasing of the Association


(1)   The Association ceases to exist when the Feudal Assembly announces its dissolution or its union with another social organization.


(2)   The Association ceases to exist when a supervising organ - bearing the right to do so -dissolves it or decides its dissolution.


(3)   After the ceasing of the Association, its property has to be primarily used to pay off the creditors. The Feudal Assembly decides about the rest of the property.



  1. Closing directives


(1)   With regard to other issues that are not regulated within this Fundamental rule, the 1959. IV. Law abot the Civil Code of the Republic of Hungary , the 1989. II. law for the right of combination and assembly and the other relevant rules of law are the standards.


(2)   The founding members have accepted the Fundamental rule of the Association on the Statutory Meeting in Solymár, 2006.07.06. with no one contradicting.


(3)   The Grand Master is going to present the Fundamental rule of the Association with the application for registration and the necessary attachments to the Court of Pest County.



Solymár, 2006.07.06.


 A Lovagrend mint egyesület  2021 november 12.-vel megszünt. A továbbiakban mint baráti társaság müködik tovább.

  • Uj Lovag avatása
    2019-03-01 11:50:33

    A Szent Kilián Lovagrend   Nagymestere a Lovagrend lovagtermében 2019 február 28-án  Lovaggá ütötte Nemes Albert Ignatenkó profeszort és ezzel befogadta a Szent Kilián Lovagok Rendjébe.

    A Római Sas Rend   Janus Maximus Imperium Maius et Pontifex Maximus által szervezett rendezvényen 2019 március 1-én Befogadta a nemzetközi Lovagrendek szervezetébe a Szent Kilián Lovagrendet és a  Lovagrend  Nagymesterét Kilián Gusztávot kitüntette a Római Sas Érdemrend Arany fokozatával.

  • egyéb esemény
    2015-03-09 15:27:31

    A Lovagrend mint egyesület müködik a továbbiakban. A közhasznuságot megszüntették.

  • A lovagrend lovag- terme elkészült
    2012-08-12 17:23:59

    Lovagunk Lovag Dr.Zágh István elhunyt. Temetése október 4-én lesz a Megyeri uti temetöben 14 órakor. Lovag Dr.Zágh István Rendünk egyik alapitó tagja volt .Halála sulyos veszteség a Rend számára.

    Halálával egy tiszta becsületes emberrel kevesebb él Földünkön. Emlékét szivünkben örökké megörizzük.

    Lovag Nemes Kilián Gusztáv


    A  Dömösi pincét  Kolompár Winetuék feltörték ami ott volt mindent elvittek,csak romok maradtak. A Balassa Bálint muzeum a feljelentést megtette, fotokat küldtünk az ellopott tárgyakról.

    A lovagrend Nagymestere Solymáron ujra felépitette a rend tanácstermét.

  • Emlékezzünk Lovag Prof. Badiny Jós Ferencre
    2012-05-07 16:51:04

    Emlékezzünk Lovag Prof. Badiny Jós Ferencre

    A nagy tudásu östörténet kutató sumerológus történész öt éve ,március 10-én hunyt el.

    "Csak törpe nép felejthet ős nagyságot,

    csak elfajult kor hős elődöket.

    A lelkes eljár ősei sirlakához,

    S gyujt régi fénynél uj szövétneket.

    S ha a multnak halványul sugára,

    A régi fény ragyogjon fel honára


  • Várjátékok egyéb programok
    2012-02-11 18:37:37

    Tervezett  Solymári várjátékok 2012, évben elmarad.Tekinttel ara,hogy az Önkormányzat Kulturális bizottsága a rendezvény megtartását nem támogatja

Asztali nézet