Szent Kilián Lovagrend Honlapja

                  Saint Kilian Order of Knighthood

                                                         DECEM FACTIUM POPULUM



A unique Heritage Centre detailing the Life & Influence of St. Kilian, the Apostle of Franconia.

St. Kilian was born in Mullagh, Co. Cavan in 640 A.D. in 686 A.D. he became a missionary to Wurzburg in Germany where he was martyred in 689 A.D. The exhibition, which is introduced by a 15 minute audio-visual presentation, deals with St. Kilian and his times, his work, martyrdom and subsequent cult.
It brings to life in maps, photographs, statuettes, manuscript facsimiles and art reproductions, a glorious era in Irish Church history and the work of Irish missionaries in Europe in the 6th and 7th centuries.
The exhibition also traces the development of gaelic script for the ogham writing of the 4th to the 7th centuries and the Wurzburg Glosses (the earliest example of written Irish c.750) to the illuminated script of the book of Kells.

St. Killians Heritage Centre
Tel: (046) 924 2433

More to St. Kilian:
Saint Kilian
, also spelled Killian or Cillian, was an Irish missionary bishop and the apostle of Franconia (nowadays the northern part of Bavaria), where he began his labors towards the end of the 7th century. There are several biographies of him. The oldest texts which refer to him are an 8th century necrology at Würzburg and the notice by Hrabanus Maurus in his martyrology. According to Maurus, Kilian was a native of Ireland, whence with eleven companions he went to eastern Franconia and Thuringia. After having preached the Gospel in Würzburg, he succeeded in converting to Christianity the local lord, Duke Gozbert, and much of the population. Killian eventually told the Duke that he was in violation of sacred scripture by being married to his brothers widow, Geilana. According to local tour directors in Würzburg, Geilana (whom Kilian had failed to convert to Christianity) heard of Kilians words against her marriage, and was furious. Of noble blood herself, she had her own loyal troops. She dispatched these to the main square of Würzburg, where Kilian and his colleagues were preaching, and had Killian beheaded, along with two of his companions, Saint Colman (also called Colman, Colonan or Kolonat) and Saint Totnan. It is difficult to fix the date with precision, as Duke Gozbert and Duchess Geilana are only known of through these two somewhat imprecise Church records. The elevation of the relics of the three martyrs was performed by Burchard, the first Bishop of Würzburg. The skulls of the three martyrs were inlayed with precious stones and carefully preserved to this day. On St Kilians day, a glass case containing the three skulls is removed from a crypt, paraded through the streets before large crowds, and put on display in the towns cathedral (Sankt-Kiliansdom). Statues of these three saints (among others) line the famous Saints Bridge across the Main River.

Kilian was born in Mullagh, Co Cavan, Ireland and is the patron saint of the parish of Tuosist, near Kenmare County Kerry where he is believed to have resided before travelling to Germany. A church and holy well are named after him and his feast day, July 8th, is traditionally celebrated with a pattern when crowds visit the well for prayers, followed by evening social events.

The name can get confused in spelling (e.g. Chillian, Killian, Cilian, Kilian). In Ireland, the preferred spelling is Cillian; the name appears thus in the Irish liturgical calendar. Saint Killians feast day is July 8th, and he is usually portrayed, as in his statue at Würzburg, bearing a bishops crozier and wielding a sword. He is one of the patron saints for sufferers of rheumatism.

Kilian is still in use as a given name in South Africa, Ireland, the USA and the Franconian portion of Germany.

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Next page: Cavan County Muesum


 A Lovagrend mint egyesület  2021 november 12.-vel megszünt. A továbbiakban mint baráti társaság müködik tovább.

  • Uj Lovag avatása
    2019-03-01 11:50:33

    A Szent Kilián Lovagrend   Nagymestere a Lovagrend lovagtermében 2019 február 28-án  Lovaggá ütötte Nemes Albert Ignatenkó profeszort és ezzel befogadta a Szent Kilián Lovagok Rendjébe.

    A Római Sas Rend   Janus Maximus Imperium Maius et Pontifex Maximus által szervezett rendezvényen 2019 március 1-én Befogadta a nemzetközi Lovagrendek szervezetébe a Szent Kilián Lovagrendet és a  Lovagrend  Nagymesterét Kilián Gusztávot kitüntette a Római Sas Érdemrend Arany fokozatával.

  • egyéb esemény
    2015-03-09 15:27:31

    A Lovagrend mint egyesület müködik a továbbiakban. A közhasznuságot megszüntették.

  • A lovagrend lovag- terme elkészült
    2012-08-12 17:23:59

    Lovagunk Lovag Dr.Zágh István elhunyt. Temetése október 4-én lesz a Megyeri uti temetöben 14 órakor. Lovag Dr.Zágh István Rendünk egyik alapitó tagja volt .Halála sulyos veszteség a Rend számára.

    Halálával egy tiszta becsületes emberrel kevesebb él Földünkön. Emlékét szivünkben örökké megörizzük.

    Lovag Nemes Kilián Gusztáv


    A  Dömösi pincét  Kolompár Winetuék feltörték ami ott volt mindent elvittek,csak romok maradtak. A Balassa Bálint muzeum a feljelentést megtette, fotokat küldtünk az ellopott tárgyakról.

    A lovagrend Nagymestere Solymáron ujra felépitette a rend tanácstermét.

  • Emlékezzünk Lovag Prof. Badiny Jós Ferencre
    2012-05-07 16:51:04

    Emlékezzünk Lovag Prof. Badiny Jós Ferencre

    A nagy tudásu östörténet kutató sumerológus történész öt éve ,március 10-én hunyt el.

    "Csak törpe nép felejthet ős nagyságot,

    csak elfajult kor hős elődöket.

    A lelkes eljár ősei sirlakához,

    S gyujt régi fénynél uj szövétneket.

    S ha a multnak halványul sugára,

    A régi fény ragyogjon fel honára


  • Várjátékok egyéb programok
    2012-02-11 18:37:37

    Tervezett  Solymári várjátékok 2012, évben elmarad.Tekinttel ara,hogy az Önkormányzat Kulturális bizottsága a rendezvény megtartását nem támogatja

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